Sunday, June 19, 2011

Openings in various companies in India

Man­age­ment Trainees required for PCS Tech­nol­ogy Ltd.

Work Exp(in Years): 0  — 1 Years
Loca­tion of the Posi­tion: Mum­bai
Edu­ca­tion: Any Grad­u­ate / PG
What is required from the candidate ?
(Full Train­ing would be provided)
Can­di­dates should have drive and ambi­tion to be the very best.
Ideal can­di­date should have a strong work ethic, ana­lyt­i­cal abil­ity, atten­tion to detail, abil­ity to multi-task and to work under pres­sure in a fast-paced environment.
More about the Job Profile:
Iden­ti­fy­ing & sub­mit­ting qual­i­fied resources by fol­low­ing our Recruit­ing Process which would include but not be lim­ited to
Post­ing require­ments on Subscription/Free Job-Boards
Con­duct­ing pro­fes­sional assess­ment over the tele­phone, expe­ri­ence, availability,
Con­duct­ing tech­ni­cal assess­ment for suit­abil­ity to the job requirement
Arrang­ing and sched­ul­ing inter­views etc.
Actively seek­ing can­di­dates to fit spe­cific open­ings on a pro-active basis.
Nego­ti­at­ing com­pen­sa­tion to main­tain accept­able gross margins.
Email ur cv to
Con­tact Address:
PCS Tech­nol­ogy Ltd
PCS House, Plot No.4 Saki-Vihar Road, Sak­i­naka,
And­heri (E)
MUMBAI,Maharashtra,India 400072
Con­tact Per­son: Depensee // Rashmi // Shweta


ZCon is Software Product Development Company providing IT solutions to US Market and Software Product in local market based in Pune, India. ZCon is specialized in Web and Windows applications using access, MySQL, Oracle and SQL Server Database.

We have the following vacancies in our Pune office

Software Developer

Work Exp(in Years): 0  — 3 Years

Location of the Position: Pune

Education: B.Tech/B.E.  Computers /  BCA -  Computers / M.Sc -  Computers / M.Tech

What is required from the candidate ?

VB.Net, ASP.Net, PHP/My SQL, C#.Net ADO.Net, VB, Java, HTML, AJAX, J2EE, J2ME, JavaScript, Oracle/Ms-SQL, PL/SQL.

Must have excellent written communication & verbal skills with an urge to learn and deliver.

More about the Job Profile:

Design and Develop Web based or Windows Database applications.

Development of screens, reports, stored procedures and complete the Unit Testing.

Evaluate and use new tools and technologies.

Email ur cv to

Contact Person: Sujata

Pro­gram Coor­di­na­tor and Prod­uct Manager required for Axis HR Con­sul­tancy Pri­vate Limited, 
a Lead­ing Recruit­ment Con­sul­tant in Chennai
Work Exp(in Years): 0  — 3 Years
Loca­tion of the Posi­tion: Chen­nai, Hyder­abad / Secunderabad
Edu­ca­tion: Any Grad­u­ate / Any PG Course
What is required from the can­di­date ?
1) Grad­u­ate with 1 – 2 years of expe­ri­ence in the Counseling/ Tele­sales.
2) Should pos­sess good com­mu­ni­ca­tion and Eng­lish Lan­guage skills.
3) Should be a good team player. Should have con­vinc­ing and sell­ing skills.
4) Female can­di­dates only.
More about the Job Pro­file:
Han­dling enquiries & Con­ver­sion
1) Call­ing the cus­tomers from the data base avail­able.
2) Respond­ing to mails from cus­tomers regard­ing course enquiries.
3) Pro­vid­ing of infor­ma­tion on the var­i­ous courses.
4) Ensure max­i­mum con­ver­sion of enquiries to clo­sures every month
Batch launch
1) Coor­di­nat­ing with the cus­tomer for com­mu­ni­cat­ing the batch launch date.
2) Sub­mit­ting the batch details to the trainer
3) Recon­fir­ma­tion with the cus­tomers about their par­tic­i­pa­tion
4) Ensur­ing the batch com­mences as per the planned sched­ule
5) Check­ing of couri­ers and dis­patch of mate­ri­als to the venue
6) Coor­di­nat­ing with admin for Arrange­ment of cer­tifi­cates, wel­come let­ters, cds, books, feed­back for the batches.
Col­lec­tion Fol­low up
1) Ensure fees from the par­tic­i­pants are col­lected on time
2) Co-ordination with Accounts dept. for the con­fir­ma­tion of the participant's Cheque/ DD pay­ment real­iza­tion
3) Report­ing of col­lec­tion details to imme­di­ate supervisor/Reporting Offi­cer on reg­u­lar inter­vals.
4) Prepa­ra­tion and dis­patch of invoice copies (receipts) to par­tic­i­pants, once the fee is col­lected.
5) Send­ing of scanned invoice copy to the out­sta­tion par­tic­i­pants, on time.
Email ur cv to pradeep(AT)

Con­tact Per­son: Pradeep
Accounts Exec­u­tives required for Actis Tech­nolo­gies Pvt Ltd
Actis is the no. 1 audio visual and envi­ron­ment con­trol solu­tions com­pany in India.
As providers of inte­grated solu­tions, the com­pany pack­ages together the most appro­pri­ate tech­nol­ogy for visual and oral com­mu­ni­ca­tion (large screen dis­plays, sound and con­fer­enc­ing sys­tems) and for envi­ron­men­tal con­trols (light­ing and HVAC). With its com­pre­hen­sive tech­nol­ogy based offer­ings, the com­pany aims to improve the tech­ni­cal qual­ity of your pre­sen­ta­tions, enhance the envi­ron­ment of the meet­ing place, and sim­plify manip­u­la­tion of com­plex tech­nolo­gies so that you can effec­tively increase your audi­ences' recep­tive­ness to your message.
Work Exp(in Years): 1 — 3 Years
Loca­tion of the Posi­tion: Mum­bai, Mum­bai Suburbs
Edu­ca­tion: B.Com — Com­merce / CA,M.Com — Commerce
What is required from the can­di­date ?
Knowl­edge of Ser­vice TAX & it's cal­cu­la­tion etc
More about the Job Profile:
Accounts final­i­sa­tion, Var­i­ous accou­t­ing Forms eg C– Form, Form 16.
Tax cal­cu­la­tion, VAT, TDS
Bank Rec­on­cil­i­a­tion etc

Con­tact Per­son: Ms Vijaya Sonawane
Oper­a­tion Executives required for Bob Technologies
BOB is an infor­ma­tion tech­nol­ogy & busi­ness con­sult­ing firm based in Ban­ga­lore, India founded in 2005. BOB serves cus­tomers in PAN India and across the globe enabling their busi­ness growth through Enter­prise IT Solu­tions, ePro­cure­ment Solu­tions and Con­sult­ing that focus on value addi­tion and com­pet­i­tive positioning.

Work Exp(in Years): 0 — 1 Years
Loca­tion of the Posi­tion: Bengaluru/Bangalore, Ernaku­lam / Kochi/ Cochin, Erode, Kozhikode / Cali­cut, Man­ga­lore, Vijayawada, Warangal
Edu­ca­tion: Any Graduate
What is required from the can­di­date ?
• Will­ing to work flex­i­ble hours when­ever nec­es­sary .
• Male can­di­dates are mostly pref­ered.
• Good Com­mu­ni­ca­tion skill  in english,hindi /,telugu /malayalam
More about the Job Pro­file:
Account­able and respon­si­ble for the entire events and pro­grammes from ini­ti­a­tion to closing

Con­tact Address:
Bob Tech­nolo­gies
Maruti Tow­ers, No3/4
Hosur Main­Road, 2ndFloor|
BANGALORE,Karnataka,India 560068
Con­tact Num­ber: 80 – 91-40016045

Con­tact Per­son: Mr. Somya Ran­jan Pattnaik


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