Thursday, June 16, 2011

Pro­gram Coor­di­na­tor and Prod­uct Manager in Axis HR Con­sul­tancy Chen­nai, Hyder­abad / Secunderabad / 0  — 3 Years

Des­ig­na­tion: Pro­gram Coor­di­na­tor and Prod­uct Manager
Firm Name: Axis HR Con­sul­tancy Pri­vate Limited
More Details about the firm:
A Lead­ing Recruit­ment Con­sul­tant in Chennai

Work Exp(in Years): 0  — 3 Years
Loca­tion of the Posi­tion: Chen­nai, Hyder­abad / Secunderabad
Edu­ca­tion: Any Grad­u­ate / Any PG Course

What is required from the can­di­date ?
1) Grad­u­ate with 1 – 2 years of expe­ri­ence in the Counseling/ Tele­sales.
2) Should pos­sess good com­mu­ni­ca­tion and Eng­lish Lan­guage skills.
3) Should be a good team player. Should have con­vinc­ing and sell­ing skills.
4) Female can­di­dates only.
More about the Job Pro­file:
Han­dling enquiries & Con­ver­sion
1) Call­ing the cus­tomers from the data base avail­able.
2) Respond­ing to mails from cus­tomers regard­ing course enquiries.
3) Pro­vid­ing of infor­ma­tion on the var­i­ous courses.
4) Ensure max­i­mum con­ver­sion of enquiries to clo­sures every month
Batch launch
1) Coor­di­nat­ing with the cus­tomer for com­mu­ni­cat­ing the batch launch date.
2) Sub­mit­ting the batch details to the trainer
3) Recon­fir­ma­tion with the cus­tomers about their par­tic­i­pa­tion
4) Ensur­ing the batch com­mences as per the planned sched­ule
5) Check­ing of couri­ers and dis­patch of mate­ri­als to the venue
6) Coor­di­nat­ing with admin for Arrange­ment of cer­tifi­cates, wel­come let­ters, cds, books, feed­back for the batches.
Col­lec­tion Fol­low up
1) Ensure fees from the par­tic­i­pants are col­lected on time
2) Co-ordination with Accounts dept. for the con­fir­ma­tion of the participant's Cheque/ DD pay­ment real­iza­tion
3) Report­ing of col­lec­tion details to imme­di­ate supervisor/Reporting Offi­cer on reg­u­lar inter­vals.
4) Prepa­ra­tion and dis­patch of invoice copies (receipts) to par­tic­i­pants, once the fee is col­lected.
5) Send­ing of scanned invoice copy to the out­sta­tion par­tic­i­pants, on time.
How to Apply: Email ur cv to pradeep(AT)
Con­tact Per­son: Pradeep
Firm Web­site:

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