Thursday, June 16, 2011

CAD Engineer - PEB for Alfa Steel Build­ing Solutions / 0- 2 Years Exp / Hosur

Des­ig­na­tion Name: CAD Engineer — PEB
Total Vacan­cies: 01
Firm Name: Alfa Steel Build­ing Solutions
More Details about the firm:
We are one of the biggest roof­ing solu­tions provider,and man­u­fac­tur­ers of PEB

Work Exp(in Years): 0  — 2 Years
Loca­tion of the Posi­tion: Hosur

Edu­ca­tion: B.Tech/B.E. — Any Specialization,Diploma — Mechan­i­cal
What is required from the candidate ?
  • Can­di­date should be Dip / BE (Mech) with Auto CAD knowl­edge and should have 0 to 2 yrs exp in detail­ing draw­ings and coor­di­nate with the design team & pro­duc­tion team for nec­es­sary changes in the drawing.
  • Even fresh­ers can apply who has Auto CAD knld
More about the Job Profile:
  • To detail pre­lim­i­nary draw­ings, ship­per list, fab­ri­ca­tion & shop drawings.
  • To ensure com­pli­ance of design, bill of quan­tity & mate­r­ial inven­tory before release to fabrication
How to Apply: Email ur cv to
Firm Web­site:

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