Thursday, June 16, 2011

Junior Engi­neer (CAE) B.Tech/B.E Elec­tri­cal / Electronics for Air­frame Aerode­signs Pvt Ltd / Bengaluru/Bangalore, Ernaku­lam / Kochi/ Cochin / 0  — 1 Years

Des­ig­na­tion Name: Junior Engi­neer (CAE) Elec­tri­cal / Electronics
Total Vacan­cies: 04
Firm Name: Air­frame Aerode­signs Pvt Ltd
More Details about the firm:
Air­frame Aerode­signs PVT LTD is a young com­pany incepted in the year 2009 towards pro­vid­ing exact tech­ni­cal solu­tions in CAD, CAE and CFD. The Com­pany being started up by first gen­er­a­tion entre­pre­neurs has been able to pro­vide Engi­neer­ing solu­tions to var­i­ous indus­tries per­tain­ing to Aero­space, Auto­mo­tive and Mechan­i­cal disciplines.

Work Exp(in Years): 0  — 1 Years
Loca­tion of the Posi­tion: Bengaluru/Bangalore, Ernaku­lam / Kochi/ Cochin

Edu­ca­tion: B.Tech/B.E. — Electrical, Electronics/Telecomunication
What is required from the can­di­date ?
• First Class BE/B.Tech Elec­tri­cal or Elec­tron­ics grad­u­ates.
• Excel­lent con­cep­tual knowhow.
• Abil­ity to learn and apply, Inno­v­a­tive & Ini­tia­tor.
• Good Inter­per­sonal & Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Skills.
More about the Job Pro­file:
• Devel­op­ment of FE soft­ware for Trans­former / Electro-Static Machine Design.
• Devel­op­ment of tech­ni­cal con­tent for AAPL Vir­tual Lab — Electrical/Electronics.
• Develop Vir­tual Exper­i­ments — Electrical/Electronics.
• Develop Design Lab — Electrical/Electronics.
• Elec­tri­cal Har­ness Design.
• Tools: CATIA & ANSYS .
How to Apply: Email ur cv to
Con­tact Address:
Air­frame Aerode­signs pvt ltd
401,3rd floor, oxford house,off air­port road
BANGALORE,Karnataka,India 560017
Con­tact Num­ber: 91 – 80-41256010
Con­tact Per­son: Hr Executive
Firm Web­site:

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