Thursday, June 16, 2011

Man­age­ment Trainee at PCS Tech­nol­ogy Ltd. Mum­bai / 0  — 1 Years Exp

Des­ig­na­tion: Man­age­ment Trainee
Total Vacan­cies: 02
Firm Name: PCS Tech­nol­ogy Ltd.
Work Exp(in Years): 0  — 1 Years
Loca­tion of the Posi­tion: Mum­bai

Edu­ca­tion: Any Grad­u­ate / PG
What is required from the candidate ?
  • (Full Train­ing would be provided)
  • Can­di­dates should have drive and ambi­tion to be the very best.
  • Ideal can­di­date should have a strong work ethic, ana­lyt­i­cal abil­ity, atten­tion to detail, abil­ity to multi-task and to work under pres­sure in a fast-paced environment.
More about the Job Profile:
  1. Iden­ti­fy­ing & sub­mit­ting qual­i­fied resources by fol­low­ing our Recruit­ing Process which would include but not be lim­ited to
  2. Post­ing require­ments on Subscription/Free Job-Boards
  3. Con­duct­ing pro­fes­sional assess­ment over the tele­phone, expe­ri­ence, availability,
  4. Con­duct­ing tech­ni­cal assess­ment for suit­abil­ity to the job requirement
  5. Arrang­ing and sched­ul­ing inter­views etc.
  6. Actively seek­ing can­di­dates to fit spe­cific open­ings on a pro-active basis.
  7. Nego­ti­at­ing com­pen­sa­tion to main­tain accept­able gross margins.
  8. Resume for­mat­ting and editing
How to Apply: Email ur cv to
Con­tact Address:
PCS Tech­nol­ogy Ltd
PCS House, Plot No.4 Saki-Vihar Road, Sak­i­naka,
And­heri (E)
MUMBAI,Maharashtra,India 400072
Con­tact Per­son: Depensee // Rashmi // Shweta

Firm Web­site:

More Details about the firm: Started in the year 1983, PCS Tech­nol­ogy ( ) is a 80 mil­lion dol­lar com­pany today. Head­quar­tered in Mum­bai, India, we have our pres­ence in 22 offices across India and 5 offices across the globe. Armed with the know-how to improve busi­ness per­for­mance across orga­ni­za­tional silos, busi­ness processes, tech­nol­ogy plat­forms and a keen under­stand­ing of the client require­ments, our solu­tions focus on deliv­er­ing com­pet­i­tive busi­ness advan­tage and increased ROI for all our clients.

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